Thursday, March 26

Star of Bethlehem School

This is the street front for the inner-city school where we take turns (one parent and one boy each time) to go to help teach English. It's a church-sponsored school set in one of the poorer neighborhoods of Temuco. The doors and windows are barred and locked and the teacher with the key wasn't there today when it was time for us to leave. :) At the school there are not enough desks for the children so some of them share and some work on the floor. The kids are adorable and so eager to speak English to us. Instead of trading cards, some of the kids are collecting and playing with old valentines cards which they always share with our boys. Escuela = school, Estrella = star, Belen = Bethlehem.


  1. It's great that you can help out there. The kids must be full of energy.

  2. Being locked in the school and unable to get out when the time came, must be disconcerting, to say the least - we'll keep on praying - Mom†

  3. Don't worry mom, it wasn't really a problem - just something we noticed was different than if we were in Canada (may be against fire code up north I believe) ... take care, J.
