Saturday, February 21

Hablamos un poco de espanol.

This is Ingrid. She is our Spanish tutor and a good friend. God put her into our lives at just the right time! She has been a big encouragement to us and she has taught us a lot these past two months.

Missing teeth

Ben has been wiggling his top two loose teeth a lot lately since he wasn't sure whether the tooth fairy would find him in Chile. He wanted to lose them in Canada. Both teeth finally came out. Here he is four dollars richer.

Tuesday, February 17


Koyamentu means place of the oaks in the local Mapuche language. Koyamentu is a beautiful Christian training and retreat center just outside of Temuco. We will be staying here for our time in Chile.

Where we're going

We have been invited to join SIM's work in Temuco, a city in the southern central part of Chile.